Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Max: Estoy un payaso!

Un hombre camina en una barra. El dice "ouch!"

They say the hardest thing to do in a foreign language is to be funny. Well, how's that for exceeding expectations? Then there's this classic:
Un caballo camina en una barra. El hombre detras de la barra dice "Por que usted tiene una cara larga?"

I've been making a decent effort to brush up on my Spanish before the big trip, but I feel like no matter how much I cram, I'm still going to be incredibly illiterate. So it's hard to motivate myself to keep going over verbs and common words. I think I could basically survive if I were lost, provided my arms aren't broken and I can still use my mad charade skills.

Anyway, I'll continue to listen to some tapes and peruse a book every day just to keep the language in my mind, but I'm holding out hope that I'll learn more once I'm there, and that I can make due with the flimsy foundation I've got.

We'll see how it goes. And as a testament to my skill… Have you heard this one?
Por que el pollo camino sobre el calle? El podia decir tan que "Estoy aqui!"


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